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Trends and correlates of cannabis use in Canada: a repeated cross-sectional analysis of national surveys from 2004 to 2017
Dana E. Lowry MSc, Daniel J. Corsi PhD
July 31, 2023


This study examined trends in past-year cannabis consumption by sociodemographic and geographic characteristics from 2004 to 2017, using several national surveys. Of the 289 823 respondents 15 years of age or older (51% female), the overall prevalence of cannabis use increased from 12.2% (95% confidence interval [CI] 11.0%–13.5%) to 18.7% (95% CI 16.2%–21.5%) among men and from 6.6% (95% CI 5.9%–7.4%) to 11.1% (95% CI 9.4%–13.0%) among women. The crude rate of change was greater between 2011 and 2017 than that between 2004 and 2011 in both men and women. After adjustment for age, education, tobacco smoking and province, the 2011–2017 trend was stronger in men but not in women. Cannabis use was associated with tobacco smoking. Heterogeneity was found in cannabis use trends by age, education and province. Cannabis use decreased among respondents aged 15–19 years and increased in other age groups. Full article

Delisted routine eye examinations for nonrefractive eye conditions: a comparative analysis
William Jeon MSc, Graham E. Trope MB PhD, Richard H. Glazier MD MPH and colleagues
July 15, 2023


In 2004, Ontario delisted routine eye examinations for people aged 20–64 years, potentially encouraging patients seeking eye care to visit government-insured primary care providers (PCPs) rather than optometrists whose services had been deinsured. This comparative analysis found a significant increase in utilization of PCP services for nonrefractive ocular diagnoses after 2004 among people affected by the delisting: 17.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 17.0% to 18.7%) for people aged 20–39 years and 11.6% (95% CI 10.6% to 12.5%) for people aged 40–64 years. Among people aged 65 years and older (an age group not affected by the delisting), utilization of PCP services for nonrefractive ocular diagnoses was stable throughout the study period. Additionally, changes in utilization of PCP services for nonocular diagnoses were nonsignificant among people aged 0–19, 40–64, and 65 years and older. Full article

Death and long-term disability after gun injury: a cohort analysis
Sheharyar Raza MD, Deva Thiruchelvam MSc, Donald A. Redelmeier MD MS(HSR)
July 14, 2023

Death and long-term disability after gun injury: a cohort analysis

Intentional and unintentional gun injury is a frequent cause of death that generates substantial immediate attention. Drawing from Ontario administrative databases, this cohort study looked at whether additional health losses arise in patients who survive with long-term disability. Between 2002 and 2023, 8313 patients were injured from firearms in Ontario, of which 36.3% were injured from intentional incidents and 63.7% were injured from unintentional incidents. After a mean 7.75 years of follow-up, patients surviving intentional injuries were twice as likely to have long-term disability than those with unintentional injury. This difference was not explained by demographic characteristics, extended to survivors treated and released from the emergency department, and was observed regardless of whether the incident was self-inflicted or from interpersonal assault. Additional predictors of long-term disability included a lower socioeconomic status, an urban home location, arrival by ambulance transport, a history of mental illness and a diagnosis of a substance use disorder. Full article

More Research

Trends in very early discharge from hospital for newborns under midwifery care in Ontario from 2003 to 2017: a retrospective cohort study
Elizabeth K. Darling RM PhD, Glenda Babe MA, Carla Sorbara RM MSc, Richard Perez MSc
June 25, 2023

Quality of clinicians' conversations with patients and families before and after implementation of the Serious Illness Care Program in a hospital setting: a retrospective chart review study
Christina Ma MD, Lauren E. Riehm MD, Rachelle Bernacki MD MS and colleagues
June 19, 2023

Primary care reform and funding equity for mental health disorders in Ontario: a retrospective observational population-based study
Imaan Bayoumi MD MSc, Susan E. Schultz MA MSc, Richard H. Glazier MD MPH
June 19, 2023

Cardiac intervention rates for older patients with acute myocardial infarction in the United States and Ontario, 2003–2013: a retrospective cohort study
Laura C. Yasaitis PhD, Jun Guan MSc, Dennis T. Ko MD MSc and colleagues
June 11, 2023

The top 10 retinoblastoma research priorities in Canada as determined by patients, clinicians and researchers: a patient-oriented priority-setting partnership
Kaitlyn Flegg MSc, Maxwell J. Gelkopf BSc, Sarah A. Johnson PhD and colleagues
June 9, 2023

太原武宿国际机场:国际、国内航班实施分区管理-国际在线 - CRI:2021-3-27 · 3月26日上午,省政府新闻办举行系列新闻发布会。太原武宿国际机场党委书记、董事长王向东介绍武宿机场严防境外疫情输入的相关情况。 3月19日,民航局、外交部、国家卫健委、海关总署、移民局联合发布了《关于目的地为北京的国际航班从指定第一入
Mark G. Swain MD, Alnoor Ramji MD, Keyur Patel MD PhD and colleagues
June 9, 2023

Pelvic floor disorders in women who consult primary care clinics: development and validation of case definitions using primary care electronic medical records
Sue Ross PhD, Hilary Fast MSc, Stephanie Garies MSc and colleagues
May 28, 2023

Characteristics of health care related to mental health and substance use disorders among Community Health Centre clients in Ontario: a population-based cohort study
Richard G. Booth RN PhD, Lucie Richard MA, Lihua Li PhD and colleagues
May 23, 2023

Epidemiologic features of medical emergencies in remote First Nations in northern Ontario: a cross-sectional descriptive study using air ambulance transport data
David VanderBurgh MD, David W. Savage PhD, Sacha Dubois MPH and colleagues
May 23, 2023

A virtual care program for outpatients diagnosed with COVID-19: a feasibility study
Philip W. Lam BScPhm MD, Prateek Sehgal MD, Nisha Andany MD MPH and colleagues
May 23, 2023

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Media coverage

Toronto Star, "Fatty liver disease a growing public health concern in Canada, study shows"

CTV, "Chiropractors remove anti-vaccination website posts following media coverage: study"

ScienceMag, "Physician psychotherapy unavailable to 97% of people with urgent mental health need"

U.S. News & World Report, "Another HIV Hazard: Higher Risk for COPD"

The Vancouver Sun, "UBC study finds peer mentorship program for incarcerated women works"

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